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How To Deal With Stress

Effects of stress on the body and mind

Just under five million Australians are suffering from stress, a survey by health fund Medibank has found. Australians are feeling more stressed than ever, with a lack of sleep, work pressures and even social media playing a role, a survey has found.

Dec 28, 2017

The survey found Australians are feeling more stressed than ever, with a lack of sleep, work pressures and even social media playing a role. 

When you feel threatened or uncertain, your nervous system responds by releasing a flood of stress hormones, including adrenaline and cortisol, which rouse the body for emergency action. Your heart pounds faster, muscles tighten, blood pressure rises, breath quickens, and your senses become sharper.

Emotional signs of stress
  • Depression.
  • Anxiety.
  • Irritability.
  • Low sex drive.
  • Compulsive behavior.
  • Mood swings.
  • Exhaustion.
  • Memory and concentration problems.
What can you do to reduce and manage Stress?

Clinical Hypnotherapy works with the unconscious mind, which then bubbles up a change in the way you respond to stress.  With a range of self-help tools to take home to support ongoing changes that help you get back into balance and life.

There is a range of simple self-help techniques that can decrease your stress and teach you how to deal with it differently.


One of the most successful treatments for stress is diaphragmatic breathing.

Take a nice deep breath in through your nose and then slowly (very slowly) exhale through your nose.  The rhythm of you breathing slowing out can assist your pulse in lowering, your body relaxing more and overall if practiced regularly, you will find your stress naturally decreases.

The key to success is practicing this every day.  When only practice occasionally you don’t build the momentum for change, just for maintenance.  So, practice it for 3 minutes 3 times a day and you will notice after a short time the improvement in how your feeling.

Count from 5 to 0

When you are aware of being stressed.  Stop what you are doing, count in your head and or out loud from 5 down to 0.  Once you get to 0, look around and think about something you see, hear or smell.  Keep your focus on whatever that is for a minute and allow your stress to decrease naturally.  You can use this technique often, as often as you need to change your thinking.  Remember if you can change your thinking even for a minute, you can change the way you feel, give yourself a moment to rethink and perhaps look at things from a different angle.

NOTE:  Techniques offered above are not a replacement for a medical opinion.  If stress is allowed to build it can lead to health issues.  Remember if you are suffering constant stress, and develop any of the above or other symptoms you should pop along to your Doctor and be assessed to ensure there is no underlying issue that could be causing these symptoms.


Essentials of Hypnosis (2nd Edition) - By Michael D. Yapko - (Link here)
Stephen Gilligan's collection of Hypnotherapy books - (Link here)

Australian National Universities top 11 foods for stress relief as listed on Food Network

Avocado and Bananas. That's two things, we know, but what do these fruits have in common? They're loaded with potassium, a vital mineral for keeping blood pressure low. 

Cup of Tea. Calm frazzled nerves with a soothing cup of your favorite tea blend.

Swiss Chard. The magnesium in Swiss chard and other leafy veggies helps balance the body's stress hormone, cortisol.

Fatty Fish. The heart-healthy omega-3 fats in fish such as salmon, sardines and tuna manage adrenaline levels to help keep you calm, cool and collected. 

Whole Wheat Pretzels. When staring down the vending machine, opt for whole-grain snacks like whole-wheat pretzels or crackers. Not only will you feel fuller from the fiber, but also the carbohydrates offer an energy boost and trigger the brain to release a feel-good chemical called serotonin.

Carrots.  Munching on crunchy foods helps beat stress. Nutrient-rich carrots, celery and other crunchy, fresh veggies offer satisfying crispness that won't bog you down with too many calories. 

Milk.  Have a glass to get more B vitamins, protein, vitamin D and bone-building calcium to relieve tense muscles. Stick to the low-fat (1 percent) or skim varieties. Try drinking some milk around bedtime to bring on more restful sleep.

Yogurt.  Next time you are feeling stressed, skip the ice cream and instead enjoy a colorful yogurt parfait.

Nuts.  Stress runs you down, which leaves you open to sickness. Almonds, pistachios and walnuts can boost your immune system with vitamins and zinc. 

Chocolate.  Research indicates that dark chocolate may lower levels of stress hormones. Chocolate also contains sugar (a carbohydrate), so it releases mood-improving serotonin. It's all right to indulge; just keep the portions in check. 

Food Sources obtained from the FootNetwork.

Rhondda Stewart
Rhondda has a long and distinguished career spanning decades, including winning the Educator of the Year Award 2004 from the International Medical and Dental Hypnotherapy Association (USA). To find out more about Rhondda and her achievements, please click bellow.
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