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Working with Children

I love working with Children, they have such amazing imagination. The way they see the world is quite enlightening and refreshing. I see a lot of children for Eating Disorders, Bullying, Study and Learning Issues, Stress, Anxiety and Depression, Nail biting, sleep issues and so many other issues.

What I know is if a child is open to change, it is like magic how quickly they move into a new kind of confidence and change occurs. I work with a range of Yungian Symbolism, Colour, abstract concepts these are so easy for children to work with. I find children move very quickly and after only a few sessions, change has occured and they are equipped with tools that support them in an ongoing way.

Rhondda Stewart
Rhondda has a long and distinguished career spanning decades, including winning the Educator of the Year Award 2004 from the International Medical and Dental Hypnotherapy Association (USA). To find out more about Rhondda and her achievements, please click bellow.
About Rhondda
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Mon - Thur 10:00 - 18:00
0419 698 650
189 Ramsay Street, Haberfield NSW
ABN: 27629335020